Thursday, April 22, 2010

Your Creation!

When Spring Arrives!

Spring has arrived once again. I love this time of
year. What’s not to love?? At the beginning of
2010, I wrote down a number of goals that I wanted to
achieve this year. Most of them had to do with my home and
family. One of the things I have focused heavily on this year
is carving out plenty of quality time with my Hubby. After
all, now that the kids are all grow-up just Us and we need to always take care of our favorite thing "our Marige"!
One of our favorite things to do when the sun is shining is
eat our meals outside. As soon as weekend arrives lunch prepared, we head outside, spread a blanket on the ground or
a cloth over our new picnic table and just enjoy the beauty
around us and the yummy food - however simple!
Yesterday was a perfect example. It was a beautiful day, I invited
our friends over after church and since everything was
already prepared, all I had to do was warm the some burgers (and some other goodies)
in the oven while we set the picnic table with a pretty
table cloth, and the rest of the menu - things like potato
salad, sliced tomatoes and onions, and deviled eggs. Oh, and
the ever so yummy homemade Tres Leches (Milk Cake). We spent the
entire day in the yard, under the trees talking, laughing, and
playing. To finish up the day we took a nice long walk together.
Truly, life just doesn’t get any better than that.

What 4 Dinner, Mom?

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