Wednesday, March 24, 2010

May the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful. — Psalm 68:3 NIV
Perhaps it’s the nature of what I do, but people often ask me if I think God laughs. They also sometimes ask, “Is God funny?” or, “Is there anything about God that’s funny?” My answer is always “Yes.” There are a lot of things that make me think God has a sense of humor. Maybe it’s my quirky sense of humor, but when I think of some of the animals he’s made (been to a zoo lately?) I know he laughs. Or situations that are so weird, nobody could put all the parts together but God. Even answers to prayer are hilarious sometimes. I think he laughs often.
Personally, I think the last laugh on earth will come from God. It will sound “like the laughter of the universe,” as Dante said in his allegory The Divine Comedy. When the Easter story is completed, the risen Christ will come to earth again and take us with him to heaven. Scripture says, “We’ll be walking on air!” (1 Thessalonians 4:18 MSG). And God himself will have the last laugh. The entire universe will be proclaiming the love of God in Christ Jesus—and then we’ll all laugh together, celebrating our risen and reigning Lord


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